Thursday, May 29, 2014


Today was the last day of my first year of teaching. I have had mixed emotions all week leading up to this day. As the students left the school and I finished moving to my new classroom it really began to set in. I already miss those kids. I look forward to a new year and a new group of students, however Madison Middle School Team 6-1 2013-2014 students will always hold a special place in my heart.

As we went through the year together I learned as much, if not more, than the students. They helped me learn and grow as an educator. I gained experiences this year that will help shape me into a better teacher. I will always cherish this group of kids and hope to see them all progress and succeed in their lives.

I would like to thank all my students this year for putting up with me and helping me learn and grow. They were amazing, I truly do love each one of them! Also, a big thanks to the parents! I really appreciate all the work put in at home and all the years put in to raising such a fun group of kids.

Thanks for a great year! I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did. I am going to miss these kids!

Auri Willard

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