Tuesday, November 5, 2013

November Writing (3rd & 5th Hour)

This month in English we will be talking about compare and contrast.  For the student's final copy writing assignment I want the students to think about the first Thanksgiving.  Then compare and contrast being an Indian vs. a Pilgrim at the first Thanksgiving.

We will discuss venn diagrams in class.  I would like them to start with a venn diagram, then write a rough draft. Once they have their rough draft I want an older relative to review it and help them make corrections before it is typed.  When they turn in their final copy I would like to see the venn diagram, rough draft and final copy.

Once they have made their venn diagram I want them to choose which they would rather be, an Indian or a Pilgrim and give supporting details for their side as well as tell why they wouldn't want to be the other.

One thing I have noticed is a lot of them aren't using paragraphs.  When you revise please make sure they're using these! It is something we will also talk about in class.

If you have any questions please let me know!


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